Phobophobia spotlighted on “Snowflakes in a Blizzard” Blog

The blog Snowflakes in a Blizzard recently ran a promotional post for my re-released book, Phobophobia (CyberWit).

One of the sections asks “Why would someone want to read it?” My answer follows:

The collection is apparently (dare I say?) as wild and exciting to read as it was to write. I chose to list blurbs in appreciation of Phobophobia on the back of my following book in 1994, A Man in Pieces (how could I have imagined that three of the five authors of the blurbs would subsequently become Pulitzer Prize recipients?):

A truly remarkable collection full of strong altogether original pieces. –Lucien Stryk

I am greatly enjoying Phobophobia. What a good idea. What good poems. –Mark Strand

Very original! Crazy and wonderful. –Charles Simic

. . . A brilliant idea well and faithfully pursued. –William Matthews

Read the entire post.

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